Steph Sandhoff
Flourish Interior Design
It seems I am not alone in my ever-growing ceramic crush. With an almost cult like following, the ceramic trend is not actually a recent one. The use of clay in all aspects of design dates back longer than anyone can be bothered thinking about.

Perhaps, this is the beauty of ceramics or pottery. Maybe it is the ‘one-off’, raw homemade quality that appeals to so many.

Ceramic pieces can range from the everyday affordable to an investment in collectibles. They are such versatile pieces of art, with the same piece able to be used multiple different ways depending on the need.
Whether a styling element or practical dining set, ceramics provide the perfect mix of hard material with soft form and subtle tones. They add a sophisticated quality to any room. Rather than being stylishly cold, which is so often the bi-product of sophistication, they tend to create a lived in and homey feel.

Whatever your reason for joining the ‘clay-cult’, you don’t have to go far to satisfy your craving.
When sourcing products for clients or myself, the more we can shop local, the better for everyone. From plates to cups and tiles to sculptures, Newcastle has it all.
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